Privacy Policy

Using our website

While we do not use your browsing information to identify you personally, we may record certain information about your use of our website, such as which pages you visit, the time and date of your visit and the internet protocol address assigned to your device.

We and our ISP also collect information such as the webpages that visitors to our site access, the documents they download, links from other sites they visit to reach our site, and the type of browser they use. However, this information is anonymous (i.e. it does not contain your personal information) and is only used for statistical and website development purposes.

If you have registered to receive electronic client publications or legal updates from us, then we may identify and record when you click on a link to our site that is contained in that publication or update.


We also make limited use of cookies and other similar tracking technologies on this website. We use cookies to measure usage sessions, to better understand how our website is used (including which areas of the site attract traffic). We also use cookies to improve the functionality of our website – for example, if we provide a notice or update regarding a significant change to the law, we may use cookies to ensure that you do not receive this notice with each page you access on our website.

When cookies are used on this site, they are used to store information relating to your visit such as a unique identifier, or a value to indicate whether you have seen a web page. The information collected by a cookie or other tracking device does not contain your personal information.

Most Internet browsers are set up to accept cookies. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may be able to change the settings of your browser to refuse all cookies or to notify you each time a cookie is sent to your computer, giving you the choice whether to accept it or not.

How do we store and keep your information secure?

We may hold your personal information in either electronic or hard copy form. We use a variety of physical and electronic security measures to keep your personal information secure from misuse, interference, loss or unauthorised use or disclosure. For example, we restrict physical access to our offices, employ firewalls and secure databases, password protect our IT systems, frequently update our anti-virus software and conduct regular audit and data integrity checks. All of our employees are also bound to keep your personal information secure and treat it as confidential.

However, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information. The internet is not a secure environment. If you do use the Internet to send us any information, including your email address, please be aware that it will be sent at your own risk.
